12 months Norton Security Service (1 device) (Please call NETVIGATOR Service Hotline for Redemption)
Product ID:
Suggested Retail Price

[Call NETVIGATOR Service Hotline 2888 0194 for Redemption]
Reward Redemption Period:
March 5, 2021 - December 31, 2023
Reward Validity Period:
12 months from the next working day after redemption
12 months Norton Security Service (1 device) (Please call NETVIGATOR Service Hotline for Redemption)
- 12 months’ use of Norton Security Service (1 device), which includes computer security such as firewall and anti-virus, web-browsing inspection and identifying certain software and hardware vulnerabilities.
- Available to designated consumer customers of NETVIGATOR Broadband Service. Each eligible NETVIGATOR customer can redeem this reward up to 3 times.
- Upon redemption of this service, customer agrees that after expiry of the said 12-month period, HKT will start charging for the Norton Security Service (1 device) at its prevailing standard monthly fee, unless customer has given HKT not less than one month’s prior written notice prior to the expiry of the 12-month period for termination of the Norton Security Service (1 device).
Call NETVIGATOR Service Hotline 2888 0194 for Redemption during the Redemption Period.
- Under this reward, you will be entitled to 12 months of Norton Security Service (1 device), which includes computer security such as firewall and anti-virus, web-browsing inspection and identifying certain software and hardware vulnerabilities. For details, please visit www.netvigator.com/eng/cybersecurity/index.html.
- This reward is only available to designated consumer customers of NETVIGATOR Broadband Service, which is provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (“HKT”), subject to relevant terms and conditions. For details, please visit NETVIGATOR website www.netvigator.com. Each eligible NETVIGATOR customer can redeem this reward up to 3 times.
- In order to be eligible for this reward, you must be a member ("Club Member") of The Club, a loyalty program operated by Club HKT Limited ("The Club"). If you are not yet a Club Member, please visit www.theclub.com.hk for registration or call The Club’s Service Hotline 183 3000 for details.
- The registration of The Club’s membership, Clubpoints and this reward are subject to the terms and conditions of The Club (www.theclub.com.hk/tnc). All benefits, amenities, offers, awards and services of The Club are subject to availability and may be changed at any time without notice. For details, please visit www.theclub.com.hk or call The Club’s Service Hotline at 183 3000.
- Norton Security is provided by NortonLifeLock Inc., as an Extra Service of NETVIGATOR Broadband Service, subject to relevant terms and conditions, including the “General Terms of Use of Norton Services” (available at www.netvigator.com/General-Terms-Norton-eng).
- The said 12-month period shall commence the next working day after your redemption of this reward.
- During the said 12-month period, you must continue to use your designated NETVIGATOR Broadband Service, failing which you will not be able to use the Norton Security Service (1 device), without compensation or liability to HKT whatsoever. If your NETVIGATOR Broadband Service is terminated for whatever reason, your Norton Security Service (1 device) will also be terminated at the same time, without compensation or liability to HKT whatsoever.
- After expiry of the said 12-month period, HKT will start charging for the Norton Security Service (1 device) at its prevailing standard monthly fee (currently at HKD28), unless you have given HKT not less than one month’s prior written notice prior to the expiry of the 12-month period for termination of the Norton Security.
- To terminate Norton Security Service (1 device), customers are required to give HKT not less than one month’s prior written notice.
- This reward cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers.
- The Club and HKT reserve their sole rights to vary or cancel this reward and/or amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
- The Club and its staff or representatives are not the supplier of this reward and make no representation or guarantee as to the quality of this reward and shall not be liable in any way for any direct or indirect loss or damage or expense of any kind arising out of, or are in any way connected with any matters in relation to this reward.
- Upon confirmation of the redemption, no amendment or cancellation will be accepted. The relevant Clubpoints will be deducted immediately from your The Club membership account.
- In case of any dispute in relation to this redemption or this reward, the decision of The Club and/or HKT is final, binding and conclusive.
- Other terms and conditions concerning The Club and Norton Security will apply. For details, please visit www.theclub.com.hk and https://www.netvigator.com/eng/info/tc.html.
- In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.